I'm not sure if this makes any sense but, in my mind, winter feels like walking into a world of fog. I can barely see the road ahead, and I'm surrounded by... well... nothingness. I'm wandering in the wilderness until the first shoots of spring appear.
OK, are you depressed yet? lol Sorry. I promise to get some supermarket flowers and post something cheerier soon. :)
I am such a fan of trees anyway. These are spectacular. What a great shot. Love it.
I am pleased to say although it is cold here in the UK, we have the sun shining today so that is a great boost!! Also have the weekend to look forward to, when hopefully weather permitting my husband and I will be out walking and visiting RHS Wisley and taking photographs. I think after Christmas and the Winter weather we all feel a little depressed but hopefully Spring won't be too far away! Have a good weekend, see you Monday, Jackie in Surrey, UK.x
Simply wonderful...like always.
I have to confess that, now that I'm here in January and not just planning for it in an abstract way, I do feel like I'm looking into a long hazy tunnel that ends in....March (groan!) January is always a haze for me, too. It's not necessarily depressing, though - just very dreamy! =]
Your stark images have been very expressive and beautiful in such a lovely and subtle way, Mary! =]
Hugs and gentle smiles!
Beautiful winter photo! Great work!
I so love photos like this ... the mystery of the fog.
I completely relate to what you say in this post...what a beautiful photo! Hang on - spring is coming. I'm counting the days!
I feel like there has been no winter at all...only snowed 2 times here and melted within hours...and now it's going to be in the 50's this weekend! I do love your fog photos though... :)
Yes please get some flowers and cheer up. You're starting to worry me. Carol
Don't worry, Carol, I'm OK. Just looking forward to spring... ;)
Spring is impatient here
and climbing out of bed
way, way too early.
Confused buds and blossoms
clamor out into the open
and then are nipped and zapped
each night.
It's kind of sad, actually.
Hope your bulbs stay put
until they have safe passage
and that the lace of tree-on-sky
soothes your spirits until then:)
It has been so warm and snowless so far this winter that I really haven't felt like I have experienced it in any way...just always anticipating.
A wonderful foggy photo...you are the master of them!
I associate fog with the warmer months. If I can borrow part of your analogy, winter is being unable to see the road ahead for swirling snowflakes, unless it is so frigid that it is too cold to snow...
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