OK, I know I promised you supermarket flowers... something a bit more cheery than fog... but I couldn't help myself. Truly. I just love fog. :)
This was taken at Ravine Lake, which is about ten minutes from my home. The road that leads around the lake is extremely narrow, and very rarely travelled, which is good because I think I must have stopped the car at least three times to shoot out the window. Across the lake, nestled amid those trees, is an old mansion that is reputedly haunted, and a destination for curious teenagers from all over the state.
That is stunning.
deliciously haunting:)
hope you're tucked in as cozy
as the purple haze in your photo
makes me feel,
I do love that photo. It's is wonderful.
What a dreamy, moody photo - it's gorgeous! And oh, how I love Eva Cassidy.
Absolutely beautiful, like always!
Mary - you and I must have been on the very same wave length, this morning, because I was just editing fog and insisting that it be a purple haze. I thought, "I can't do that!" and put it away to look at later to see what I think! (I'm LOL! =])
btw, When our family bought Rose Arbour ( you know - where the tea room is, now) it was the 'haunted house of the neighborhood. Now, it's bright and cheery french cream with purple shutters. ;)
and, finally, don't you just love those quiet roads that you can slam on the brakes and just be alone with the vista? =]
I hope that you had a fun weekend with your family!
Katy xo
and, I have no idea how I could be so chattery after the serene and deep calm of your beautiful image. I'm going to go stare a little longer! =]
Gorgeous colours! Beautiful photo.
incredibly beautiful
So bold with the purple, but I totally love it! Beautiful, Mary! Isn't it funny how we have a favorite places to shoot?
No grocery store flowers here. All they have right now is cheesy stuff. Wish they were still carrying the $4 roses!
I do love your fog photos Mary...cool about that Mansion...
Hello, dear Mary!
This took my breath away, as so many of your images do. But this one I especially love the composition and the spareness of it. Completely captivating!
Hope you are having a great week. We have snow!
– g
Beautiful and haunting...I love and miss fog, just not driving in it. In Arizona we don't get any fog! Lori
So beautiful..
Preciosa imagen!!! hermoso tu blog!!!saludos!
Jimi is singing in my head.....Mary. lovely.
Oh so gorgeous!
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