My husband and I were walking down the street in our little town Sunday morning, when he spied an owl up in the hollow of a tree. I have never seen an owl in the wild before. We were both very excited. I didn't have my camera with me, but as soon as we got home, I ran back out and was lucky enough to get some shots with my 55-200mm zoom. So I'm posting a few of them here.
I'm not exactly a birder, but I do love to see the birds in my area, and learn a little about them. If anyone can identify this guy, I'd be glad to hear about it. :)
It was so startling to see this bird so clearly, and so close to the road. At first, I almost thought that he might not be real -- just a plastic figure. But then he winked. And that pretty much made my day. :)
Happy Monday, dear bloggers!
ohhhh wauw!
I LOVE THIS!!! You are truly blessed, Mary. These photos are gorgeous. Frame!! May I purchase one for my husband? I'm serious.
Just plain ole AWESOME!!!
Oh, my! You certainly were lucky! We have an occasional owl stop by our cottonwood tree in our back yard (we hear it hooting at night), but I've never managed to SEE one in the wild! Beautiful photos!
Beautiful and very interesting photos!!!
You are lucky, indeed! He looks a bit sleepy! =]
I just had a peek at the beautiful photo from your last post. I had seen it before and just wanted to peek, again. Then, OH! I spent some time photographing that very same weed, yesterday. I didn't recognize it, till now. Geesh! =]
That is so cool! And he sat there, waiting for you to come back and take his photos!!! And I love the seeds in the next post too!!
I may be wrong since I don't pretend to be a birder. I do have a bird book though and that cute little face looks like it could be an Eastern Screech Owl. Great photos!
i love how he matches his tree! beautiful shots and yes, you were lucky.
what is so funny is last night as i came home, i heard an owl hoot and thought to myself how i've never seen one outside a zoo or at a wild bird show. and then you see one.
beautiful shots.
Oh. My. Goodness! What incredible photos...lucky duck!
What a cute owl, wonderful image!
It's as though he's nestled inside a little heart. What a sweet bird, and you are one lucky chick. I've never seen one in the wild either. Well, not true - once, at "dark thirty" - that moment right before darkness descends - a great horned owl flew into a snag by our lake. He was all in silhouette. That was the closest I've ever been to seeing one - SEEING one - in the wild. This was your lucky day!
Oh my goodness..... he is GORGEOUS!
Oh how I wish my 3year old granddaughter was here now as I opened to this amazing photo! She is an owl fanatic at her young age and can identify any photo or picture she sees of one...it is amazing really...My bird book is permanantly opened to the owls and I would guess that it is an Eastern Screech Owl...I'll ask Miss E the next time she is here:)
I can hear owls here almost every night but have only seen one once...Great capture!
I to LOVE this guy. Brilliant photography. He is a keeper I would say and wonderful find.
Wow Mary
Brilliant, Mary! I'm amazed he was just sitting there and that you had the presence of mind to get your camera and head back. The images are marvelous with the texture of the bark echoing his feathers. Incredible creature! xo – g
Got here via Sel's place. Wow, this is an amazing blog, so beautifully presented. I love your header most of all.
Have a wonderful day, G
What a beautiful owl. And you've captured it in a perfect way.
Wow... great captures. they are truly beautiful...
What a capture. Doesn't it look like he or she just perfectly belongs there? A nice roomy hollow, great camouflage. These kinds of shots don't come along every day, way to go!
Lucky? I almost missed this post! I'm lucky I found it.
Great Shot!!!
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